
dolls for zombiephiles

Posted by Brittany

The monster magnetic action figures bring me such joy for a number of reasons. First, I love zombies. From toxic zombies to techno zombies (See:Deadly Friend). There is something so fascinating about a reanimated corpse coming back from the dead to feast on human flesh. I watch all the zombie movies, play the video games and I've even read a few chapters from "The Zombie Survival Guide" in case there is a zombieocolypse.

Now, rewind 10 years from today and there is a little girl and her sisters playing dolls every Sunday. We couldn't afford Barbies but it worked out because my grandma actually designed paper dolls. So we had Barbie's paper counterpart in surplus. My sisters and I would play for hours coming up with scenarios that started with "let's pretend that...". But I remember what took up the majority of the time was cutting out their clothes. Between the three of us we had one pair of Fiskars scissors. This took me an especially long time since I was a struggling lefty in a right-handed world (which I still maintain should get me a handicap parking permit). All this clipping and planning really cut into our actual playing time. Now years later some genius decides to combine the timeless entertainment of our paper dolls and the raw power of magnets! We have the technology people! These monsters come with mix and match body parts to create the creepiest, craziest and most whack-attack monsters ever. Not to mention 4 different magnetic backgrounds to set the mood. Sigh.....and this is why I love the monster magnetic action figures.

More magnetic dolls


KingMotherRat said...

Love the blog!!
If I do recall there was at least 2pair of scissors. On that was especially used for rat bite hair cuts performed on barbies and friends.

The modern day technology of play time world is incredible. Magnets who would have "thunk". The days on the "fold here tabs" are done away with;and not have to worry about your paper doll standing out there in the world for all to see her under clothes if the fold here tabs fail you.

All we need now is a mini size "flobee" that can be fitted to a Barbies head for a decent haircut.
"What a wonderful world it would be"

What a great day magnets and monsters!

brie said...

These dolls frighten me. I bet they'd scare the shit out of Cade, LOVE IT!!

I completely agree that us lefty's should get handicap parking as well as yearly compensation for all the times people tell us we look "funny" when we write.